
This is something I wrote after hearing Donna Marcus, the mother of a woman who died in the 9/11 attacks, on the radio. If you disagree with what I write, perhaps you at least will understand why a person like me, with so many unanswered questions, cannot support 4 more years of our country's current President.


Why did our president ignore Osama Bin Laden, whom his predecessor had been pursuing?
Why did he ignore the briefing called "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US"?
Why did he go into a classroom to read "My Pet Goat" after he had been told the first tower had been hit?
Why didn't they bring down the other planes after the first one hit?
Why did he just sit there for seven more minutes after he was told of the second plane?
Why didn't any staffers prod him to get up and act?
Why do they say that we are safer when they clearly let this tragedy happen?
Why do people believe him?

Why were they planning on invading Iraq long before 9/11?
Why did they switch their focus from Afghanistan to Iraq?
Why did they outsource the job of finding Bin Laden to Afghani Warlords instead of doing it ourselves?
Why did they use evidence they knew to be false to justify invading Iraq?
Why did they allow torture to occur in prisons?
Why did they allow 377 tons of munitions to be carted away by the terrorists under our noses?
Why do they say the world is safer, when there are more terrorists now than ever before?
Why do people believe him?

Why has the economy gone downhill for four years in a row?
Why have no new jobs been created?
Why is his job record the worst since Herbert Hoover?
Why do they insist things are looking up when so many of us are out of work?
Why do people believe him?

Why did he fill up his cabinet with lobbyists titans of big industr?
Why did they call it "Healthy Forests Initiative" when it should be called "Leave No Tree Behind?"
Why do they call it "Clear Skies Initiative" when it allows more pollution?
Why do people believe him?

Why were thousands of Florida voters illegally removed from the rolls in 2000?
Why is the same thing happening again?
Why are programs being established to intimidate voters at the polls?
Why are new voter registration cards and absentee ballots being lost or destroyed?
Why do people believe him?

Why do the families of soldiers have to send body armor, rather than the military equipping soldiers properly?
Why are Haliburton contractors getting rich while our soldiers' pay is cut?
Why have over a thousand soldiers died and many more maimed, yet he cuts veterans' benefits?
Why is he attacking his opponent's patriotism when nobody in his administration ever served their country?
Why do people believe him?

Why does he hand out puny 'tax cuts' to Americans while giving huge breaks to his billionaire buddies?
Why did he just pass another corporate giveaway of billions of dollars this week?
Why is he putting us so deep into debt that our children are each inheriting a "baby tax" of $100,000, plus interest?
Why does he talk about freedom when our deficit means that we are now indebted over our heads to the Chinese and the Saudis?
Why do people believe him?

Why is he 'conservative' when conservatives are supposed to be cautious and preserve the way things are?
Why is he a 'Republican' when Republicans of the past like Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt, and Lincoln were nothing like him?
Why is he creating the biggest deficit ever and biggest government ever when real Republicans favor fiscal discipline and small government?
Why do so many Christians identify with him when his actions are do not follow the teachings of Christ?
Why do people believe him?

Why do I believe that this nation no longer the pinnacle of strength and freedom that I grew up in?