Pitching to Bloggers

A few days ago, my friend Colin and his wife Sara released a new iPhone app ("Selene — The ovulation-tracking tool for serious women"). As a new application, it's going to start needing some attention from the press, from bloggers, etc. in order to make it a success.

And then yesterday, I was listening to the latest podcast episode of iDeveloper Live, in which Scotty and John interviewed Erica and Steve from TUAW about their new eBook, Pitch Perfect [iBooks/Amazon]. Naturally, I thought about the challenge that my friends — and other new developers — have in getting their new apps noticed.

pitching selena

If you are a developer (either kind — Country or Western Mac OS or iOS) you should give this episode a listen.  Or, if you tend to do better reading than listening, get the book. (I did!)

Colin and Sara had no problem getting me to mention the app — seriously, it looks pretty cool even though I'm not exactly the target market for it — but hopefully for the bigger blogs, Colin and Sara will be able to take advantage of Erica's and Steve's advice and express their enthusiasm for their app that is equal to the level of enthusiasm and dedication that it took them to build their app.

(I should point out my old "Mac Indie Marketing Blog" here. I put it aside a while ago, before the Mac App Store became a reality, but I think that most of the ideas that I had gleaned and shared in that blog are still relevant, even in a post-Mac-App-Store world.)

Photo credit: Tyler Ball

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